Sunday, March 5, 2017

What Happens When You Tear Down a Kid's Artwork Online

In this post, I am not showcasing any artwork or giving updates on future projects, I am simply writing this post to vent. This post stems from an event that occurred an hour before the time this post was written. On Facebook, I am part of a group of Marvel fans, and there was a child who posted a drawing of Iron Man. (I will not say the kid's name for the sake of protecting his identity) I decided to post a critique of his work to help him improve. However, some people did not share my sentiment and decided to tear the kid down for his artwork. This caused the post to be removed, more than likely by the now upset child. Do you realize what you people have probably done?

You have probably scarred the child for the rest of his life. He is probably afraid of drawing because of some of the things people have said. You cannot expect a child to have the same artistic ability as Leonardo da Vinci or Andy Warhol. I know I didn't as a kid, and I have a feeling none of them could either. Drawing takes a significant amount of practice, and a significant amount of skill. Drawing a face takes a larger amount of practice and skill, and the kid had a pretty solid start in his drawing of Iron Man/Tony Stark. However, because of the atrocious personalities of the Internet's users, he may never see the potential he has as an artist and he may never draw again.

Next time, when you see a child's attempt at art, help the kid to improve instead of tearing him or her down. Children love to make art, and some mold that passion into a career. I was treated similarly throughout my childhood. However, I did not let that stop me; I let it encourage me and fuel my passion to where I am now.

If somehow that kid is reading this, then do not give up making art. Keep practicing, and do not let people like those get to you. The post did not give anyone cancer, and "keep fighting the good fight" as one of my former animation instructors would say.

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