Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dragon Ball Retrospective Introduction


Hey everybody, I deeply apologize for the inactivity; college has basically sucked up most of my time (I am sure many of you can relate to that). However, I am going to try and post more often, and what better way to start my comeback than a retrospective on my favorite anime? Of course, many of you longtime readers know that would be Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball franchise. For this new retrospective, I will be looking at the following series and giving my thoughts on them:

  • Dragon Ball
  • Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Z Kai
  • Dragon Ball GT
  • Dragon Ball Super
As I discuss each series in the franchise, I will also be highlighting some of my favorite moments and story arcs. Think of this retrospective as me doing my own spin on Linkara's History of Power Rangers, except with Dragon Ball. I will be discussing each series' history, its high and low points, and my overall thoughts on the story; when this is completed, I will end the series with my top five favorite moments across the entire franchise. However, I will not be discussing the movies or video games (except Dragon Ball: The Path to Power, Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, the first being my favorite film in the series, and the latter three being canon to Toriyama's original manga; therefore, they are canon to the story of the anime as well).
 In the case of The Path to Power, I will be saving it for the Dragon Ball GT post, despite it technically being a Dragon Ball film. As for the other three, they will be saved for Dragon Ball Super, since their storylines affect that series more than Z. 
For those wondering as well, I will NOT be discussing TeamFourStar's parody, Dragon Ball Z: Abridged. As much as I love that series and find it to be hilarious, I only plan to cover the material that was officially made by Toei Animation, Akira Toriyama and Shueisha. With that being said, I will also not be covering the live action atrocity known as Dragon Ball: Evolution. If you wish to see a review of it that perfectly matches my thoughts on it, I would recommend watching Nostalgia Critic's episode on the film. He essentially hits all the points that myself and many fans of the franchise would agree with. To paraphrase the Funimation dub's longtime narrator, Kyle Hebert, "next time on Reviews and Retrospectives, we will discuss the beginning of Son Goku's journey in the original Dragon Ball."

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